Something that has been particularly difficult for me during social distancing is keeping myself productive! At least when I still had classes online I had some sense of structure my life. But for the past week or so (after completing all my finals!) I’ve had full 24 hour days with absolutely nothing on my calendar. Sitting around watching TV and eating all day leads me to not just feeling lazy and unproductive but I also have found it really affecting my mental health. So here are a couple of tips I’ve found that help me feel more productive and motivated!
1. Stick to a Routine
I’ve found that sticking to a routine in quarantine helps me feel a sense of normalcy. Things as simple as setting an alarm to get up at the same time everyday and going to bed at a similar and reasonable time every night really help me feel like life is more “normal.”
2. Make To Do Lists Everyday
Waking up everyday and writing your to do list (ahem routine) will make you feel so productive. Create an achievable list for your day so that you will actually be able to check things off (but cut yourself some slack if you can’t do it all! These hard times are really taking a toll for many of us and thats okay!). My sister writes things as simple as “drink 5 glasses of water” on her to-do lists… which may seem silly at first but self-care is so important! (and its an easy check on your list!) Now is also a great time for getting at home projects done like cleaning out your closet!
The best feeling is checking off something on your to-do list! I’ve honestly found that little goals every day make for bigger achievements throughout the week.
3. Try to Get Physical Activity in Each and Everyday
And preferably outside! Going outside, at least I think, is so so good for our mental health! Being outside even helps our immune systems. By saying do something physical everyday I really mean anything from going for a walk to doing a rigorous exercise. Even on days when I feel like I really can’t do anything, I make sure I at least go for a walk. Afterwards I am always happy I did it.
There are also so many opportunities for online workouts. My mom and I have been doing Yoga with Adriene videos a couple mornings a week and love it. I’ve also had so much fun doing Mad Fit workouts with my sister, especially this 15 Minute Dance Party video.
4. Planning Meals and Lots of Home-cooked Meals
My family has ordered dinner I think one time since the beginning of quarantine. Now, I really take no credit for this whatsoever because my Mom does most of the cooking around here BUT my sisters and I have had so much fun picking out fun and new recipes to try out. Helping out in the kitchen and picking new recipes make us feel productive and we get wonderful (I’d say better than take-out!) meals. There are so many food bloggers we love that are constantly posting amazing new recipes to try but our favorites are for sure Half Baked Harvest and The Toasted Pinenut .
5. Take Up a New Hobby
Like I said in my first post… I really needed a new hobby so here I am! I am also thinking about starting a knitting project up! Knitting is something I used to love to do as a kid but really lost touch with it because I became so busy in high school and college! Another fun hobby I’ve been taking up is water color painting. I just ordered some off of Amazon the other week. I am so bad and so not artistic but it is still so fun for me! Now is the greatest opportunity to do things like knitting and painting, things that I enjoy but don’t necessarily usually have the time for in my schedule. That might be one positive outcome of this crazy, unprecedented time.
Thanks for reading these simple tips to feel like you’re getting stuff done during social distancing/ quarantine! 🙂
Annie you are the cutest!!!!💛