Happy Friday! Today I am starting a new series on the blog called “Friday Finds.” Each Friday I will share anything I’ve added to my cart, anything I’m currently crushing on, anything that gave me a pick-me-up throughout the week, or literally anything fun I came across, etc.
It can be anything from fashion, to recipes, to podcasts, to songs, to bible verses, to beauty products, to life hacks, etc. Fiveish things I think worth sharing from the week!
This week I am sharing 4 things currently in my cart and 1 thing that was an amazing purchase. As always to shop the collage you can click the items in the sliding bar below the collage or click on the links in the list below!
Also, a little self promo- anytime you make a purchase through my blog I make a very small commission. They add up, though! It means a lot and helps support my blog when you guys do this!🤍
Okay, lets get to this weeks Friday Finds…
1. Camel Fringed Scarf
I’m currently loving all neutrals, specifically camel. I’ve been searching for a reasonable priced neutral solid scarf. Under $50 this find is a winter staple.
Oh, and if you love camel as much as I do… check out this Pinterest board I’ve been working on for a few weeks.
2. Tortoise Shell Sunnies
These. How are they only $32, I don’t understand! They are the perfect shape a little square with a little feminine flaired edge. I wish these were around for my “Summer Shades that Look Designer” post a few months ago, they would be perfect for that!
3. Tan-Luxe Face Tanning Drops
I finally bought these tanning face drops after hearing people rave about them for so long. Yes, they’re on the expensive side… $50ish. But, I had a gift card from Christmas to Ulta so I went for it!
So far, they’re worth it! Very little smell, not streaky at all!
I already feel so much more confident without make up on. I get so pale in the winter, I just need something to give me a little color!
4. Gold Door Knocker Earrings
I’ve been obsessed with door knocker earrings and these are so cute and such a good price.
5. Pleated Clutch
This cute little clutch comes in a few colors (all neutrals) and gives me of Bottega Veneta vibes but is only $60!!
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I hope you enjoyed this post and enjoy your weekend ahead xx