Helllooooo! I have literally been the worst about posting on here. BUT I am back ladies. I came up with an idea to create a “palette” for each month and include some of my favorite things I have been eyeing up for the month mixed with inspiration! I made a video on Tiktok about how January feels like certain colors to me and you guys loved it! So might as well make it a monthly thing and do it on here too!

The January Palette
January to me feels like dusty blue, brown, cream, and a touch of green.
Dusty blue gives a sense of refreshment and renewal and is reminiscent of grey skies and snow in the winter.
Brown is a color that feels like stability- like getting back into the routine after the holidays.
The cream and crispy neutrals are for a fresh start in the new year, a clean slate.
The touch of green for a calming presence.
Shop the palette below!