Hi! Welcome to my new blog Annie B.! For years I have been an avid reader of many, many fashion blogs… some of my friends may even call me obsessed. In fact, in high school about four years ago I attempted to start my own called Navy Knot Blue. It was such a flop… I am not gonna lie.
BUT I AM BACK- new and improved and determined this time around. I really feel like this is the time for me to start blogging again. The corona virus has left me living at home, with completed classes for my sophomore year, with no summer internship and little opportunity to find a job. To be quite honest with you I have a lot of time on my hands right now and really, really need a hobby. Anddd I have been wanting to do this for a while now… so now is the time! I know a lot of kids in college or around my age are stuck in the same situation right now and I hope my blog can be an inspiration to them while in quarantine!
This fall I had the amazing opportunity to intern for Caitlin Covington of Southern Curls and Pearls for a couple months. She is the sweetest and really encouraged me to get back into blogging… so thank you Caitlin! You taught me so much and gave me so much motivation 🙂
Thanks for reading my first post! I am so excited to begin this new journey and keep myself busy this summer!

You’re the best!! Great job Annie!!